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Burning ...
Medium-, Large Format and ULF Heliography - 1996 until today, ongoing
»Icons of a magical apocalypse, if you permit the paradox. Pictures showing the acts of destruction and obliteration in blinding beauty«
Michael Stoeber
Heliografische Aufnahmen - Mittel-, Grossformat und ULF - 1995 bis heute
»Ikonen einer zauberhaften Apokalypse (...) Bilder, in denen die Akte von Zerstörung und Vernichtung in blendender Schönheit sich zeigen und sinnverwirrende visuelle Rätsel vor unsere Augen stellen«
Michael Stoeber
ULF device for Heliography | Slide film during time exposure, 2015 | Exposed sheet film (8x10") mounted in LED-light frame, 2016 |
Exposed sheet film (8x10") mounted in LED-light frame, 2016 | ULF-film during exposure, 2014 | Film catching fire during exposure ... |
Glass plate Negative, exposed (13x18 cm) | Film during time exposure | Exposure ... |
Exposure ... | Glass plate Negative, during exposure, 2015 | Exposure ... |
Film processing, second exposure | ULF-film during exposure, 2014 | ULF-film after exposure, detail, 2014 |
Film magazine with exposed film | Exposure ... |
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